2022 Tauranga by-election

Election results will be available here from 7pm NZST on 18 June.

You can also view official election results at electionresults.govt.nz, but you'll need to keep refreshing the page for these to show. Election results on this website are provided by the Electoral Commission through their official feed, and may be subject to a slight delay; but you won't need to keep refreshing this page to update results.

The Electoral Commission's targets for the release of preliminary results are:

  • Results from 50 per cent of voting places by 9pm NZST
  • Results from 95 per cent of voting places by 10.30pm NZST

If this message appears after 7pm on election night, simply refresh the page. A known bug on this site is that sometimes your browser won't establish an HTTPS connection on the first page load, which stops the site from working. Refreshing solves this.

Voting closes in:

--h --m --s